For years I have been trying to combine the value of craftsmanship with the respect for the value of services.
Within these there are worlds of norms and rules, of common sense and respect which in order to be well conducted require investments in culture and time.
The protocol that I present to you is a right as well as a duty for both of us.
Respecting it becomes a guarantee of effectiveness and efficiency, of protection and mutual respect.
From the Doorbell to the payment machine...
Ring the doorbell and use the doorknob to come in, these will all be hygienized each time...
Barber Snob, originating as a servant craft, today wants to serve everyone!
The etymology of the word seems to derive from an English dialect in which "snob" means "cobbler", a craftsman, that is, one who works with his hands. In the English University of the 1800s the term "sine nobilitate" was written on a draft paper to establish its non-noble origin.
Hair and beards frame the face of humanity, they are the only natural dress and as such we have learned to wear it.
Clothes that make us feel good about ourselves, that make us recognizable to others.
Ductile clothing, which we can change in shape and form,
that we can cut or colour for pleasure and not just out of necessity.
- The mind: thoughts, organization and interpretation.
- Hands: craftsmanship, art, mind, hands.
- Time: a single good.
- Silence: equal listening.
- Space: welcoming means making space.
Listening is the determining factor, and evaluation is the appropriate tool.
No one is the same as another, and uniqueness must be preserved!
The hair, the beards or the shaving world are for the man the expression of one’s self, they are the loud speaker of human communication; the wrong interpretation means to suffocate the manifestation of one’s visual identity in society.
The evaluation of skin and hair allows me to be able to dose and mix the various shampoos needed to reinvigorate both hair and skin.
An asphyxiated skin, desquamated, with spores of the fungus that generates dandruff (be it dry or oily) or brittle, destructured, thin or only dry hair find in the evaluations, the needed targeted topical responses.
Being able to listen directly to the guests allows me to capture appropriate nuances and be able to develop a “wellness project” for skin and hair.
The style and personalized grooming so as to create, as if it were a “tailored suit”.
My home(DIMORA) will welcome a few guests a day, the choice will allow me to offer an exclusive and dedicated attention with advice on the health of skin and hair hydration. A consultation also aimed at improving one’s image and style.
In the Abode of fc, common sense and eco-sustainability as a lifestyle.
Environmentally friendly lighting.
Water control and waste disposal.
Eco-sustainable products.
Towels, sponge cloths and cotton strictly disposable, sterilized and packaged.
For the customer, capes and towels in recycled paper, single use only.
Work tools always sanitized and sterilized.
Being a social relationship, no longer just a customer.
Be the one who uses the service without being used by it.
Being Unique
Being in the Abode of fc
Devoting time to guests, always reserving the maximum attention, dedicating myself to listening to their expectations in an immersive way and thinking about solutions, this is to be the continuation of my journey.
The experience at the service of the guest
"The Correct time required for oneself!"
In the domus Romana this was the host’s place of welcome.
Evaluation of the skin with the tricovisor and the rebalance of the hydro-lipids with specific products. value € 50
With warm/cold cloth,ice with extracts of essential oils,eye mask to relieve congestion,toning, moisturizing and soothing products.
Evalutaion with the tricovisor. value € 35
A combined Experience of the Hair Cut with the Shaving and Shaping of the beard
with the use of specific products as well as the evaluation of the skin with the Tricovisor, with diagnosis value € 80
"More space and time for oneself!" advising in the creation of your image.
In Roman domus it was the place of greater intimacy, and those who had access enjoyed the pleasure of time and space reserved for one’s self.
Hair cutting and shampoo treatment
with skin and hair well-being through specific products,
hydro-lipid rebalancing and skin evaluation with tricovisore, vapozono to optimize blood microcirculation in an immersive,
relaxing and reserved environment. value € 60
Shaving or Beard Forging
treatment with evaluation of the skin, use of vapozono, fresh or warm cloth, ice with mineral water purified with charcoal, decongestant infusions, eye mask to decongest the eyeballs, specific products for hydrolipidic rebalancing, facial massage to tone. value € 50
The combined experience of cutting of the hair with the shaving or forging
of the beard , the use of specific products and the skin evaluation with the tricovisore. value € 95
Where we Are
Viale G. D’annunzio 25
20123 Milano
(In Front of the Darsena)
Opening Hours
- 9:00 – 20:00 tuesday to friday
- 9:00 – 19:00 saterday
- Closed on sunday/monday
Call for an appointment
+39 02 8357406
+39 329 2194258
We accept:
- Visa,
- MasterCard,
- Bancomat
- Cash

How to get to us
- S.Agostino
- Porta genova
a telephone booking will allow fc
to be able to better assess the needs of the guest.
In the case of no telephonic answer
we will re contact you as soon as is possible.
For your convenience you can book
FC does not issue gift cards.
Adolescent, gay, creative.
Reserved, responsible, prudent, strong, pragmatic, sympathetic, futurist,
genial, weak, irresponsible, cowardly, heroic, humble, ironic, goliardic:
man is always similar to himself at all times.
At Francesco Cirignotta, you go out … to be listened carefully!
The style of the hair cut, beard, specific products for skin and hair, for body, perfumes, we select them together.
Knowing to be … by competence!
Haircut is art by subtraction, “take away to give image and identity”
The hair frames the face of humanity.
Science and Consciousness: Only innovators guarantee traditions.
Know to know how to do it.
The various types of interpretation of hair cuts pass through psychological, physiological and social observation.
Reflections :
- HAIR … Ancient People’s Knowledge with Free Expression of an Infinite Language
- The hair and the beards frame the face of humanity.
- The hair and the beards, the only natural outfit.
- The hair and the beards, sometimes dress other accessories.
- Listen to the beats of your heart, you will understand the time.
- Time: All Organized Pure Methodical Eternal.
- He is the artist who learns the art of silence.
- In silence the word is generated and takes on sound and meaning.
- Listening to silence is like falling asleep without sleep (a child).
- Time: what once existed will exist forever, even if confined in the past.
- Beauty: intimate
- and private act, like all feelings.
- The beauty, the pathology of the modern era.
- Water: life matrix.
- Water knows the meanders of earth and space, keeps the traces of life in its memory, lets use it without losing the nobility that makes it superior.
- Pleasure: the right to laziness.
Who is Francesco?
Historian of the trade as well as social transformation through the observation of the only natural outfit, hair and beards.
Attentive observer of the “well-being” and the grace of being a man today. Precious prompter for the “conscience” of the male image.
Craftsman or Barbitonsore by trade, Tricoesteta (tricos = hair, esthetic = sensation) by profession.
Teacher of this ancient art, with a look towards the future.
The place is also an academy, where the craft is taught.
A scholar and curious about psychology, sociology and communication about human relations and the formation of our image (as an identity).